Sunday, April 24, 2011

Linda says I'm the Easter Nazi

Violet’s first Easter. I was just telling Linda how I don’t agree with the idea of kids getting toys in their Easter baskets (books are okay), but then the irony of our situation hit. Violet’s still exclusively breastfeeding. So, what was in her basket today? Toys. And books.

155 days old


  1. What a beautiful girl!

    BTW- I am in the same Easter basket situation as you! Rob provided the superhero t-shirt, I provided the book, and my family provided more than enough candy so we didn't even go there. The Easter Bunny seems happy to hide whatever he might find!

  2. toys are better than candy. period.

  3. I agree - all small things are fun in a basket! As Violet gets older, we recommend invisible ink books and pens, pinwheels, bubbles, and small family games that will yield many fun evenings together. Tiny pieces of dollhouse furniture and a rubberband gun (ack!) were a hit this year too! Violet is adorable! A.

  4. Amy BG, Jane, and Amy LV - you are not the only ones who weighed in on this one with me. Please see the next post - I clarified my opinion.

  5. Love the dress.... Miss her already. Luv Aunt Molly
