Sunday, January 23, 2011

Tell Me About Your Day...

I came home later than usual one night last week. Linda warmed up some dinner for me while I sat with Violet on the couch. She lay on her back and I leaned over, trying to coax a smile onto her lips. Over the course of several minutes, a stream of cooing, giggles, and consonant sounds emerged from her while she looked at me and intermittently flailed her arms and kicked her legs. I felt as though she were filling me in on everything that happened while I was gone. I asked her questions, and she fed me more noises. Whatever was happening, it was a first for Violet. Instead of feeling like a bystander – someone watching her watching the world – I felt like we were doing something with each other. Talking? Having our first conversation? Maybe. Just making noises together? I’ll take it. Whatever was going on, it was worth writing about.

64 days old


  1. Enjoy your "snow day" off with your beautiful girls!

  2. Violet looks like there's tons of information behind those eyes! And she can't wait to share it with the world! Precious!

  3. Anonymous - Thank you! We did - mom went out to get some alone time, and I got some daddy-daughter time!

    Tony - She's missing her Uncle Tony - come on over some time soon.
