Monday, November 8, 2010


One thing I bring to the daddy table is my teaching experience. Specifically, I can bring the use of the word “no”. I know parents who frown on the use of the word, and I can’t blame them. One study out there claims children hear “no” up to 400 times a day, and some believe that the word has a bad connotation. I don’t know enough about psychology or spirituality to know if it’s true. There are some interesting arguments out there for minimizing the use of the word. What I do know is that as a teacher (and as a parent), I’m going to do my best to make sure that when I do say it, “no” will actually mean “no”. Growing up, that’s what it meant in my house, but every year, I have students who seem to think that “no” means, “Let’s have a conversation,” or, “Try harder to convince me.” In looking through some parenting articles recently, I came across a great quote by author/psychologist Dana Chidekel: “Children,” she says, “learn that some parents can be played like slot machines. Put enough whines in and eventually they'll pay out.” I like to think I will avoid that trap, but Linda likes to point out, “When that little face looks up at you with you with those big eyes and says, ‘Pleeeese, Daddy,’ you might not be so tough.” Only time will tell.

11 days until baby.


  1. *grin*
    At some point in my extensive almost 4 year parenting career, I realized that parenting is different from teaching in that when 16 seven year olds come in your door in September, your expectations are clear and ready to be delivered.
    On the other hand, when the baby comes in the door, you will meet his/her needs, and you keep doing this until you realize that limits need to be set, so you do, and then the baby keeps changing and growing, and those limits change and grow, and at some point you look at your child and say, "Damn, when did you get so big, and hang up your coat while you're at it!"

  2. Amy - that's what I was thinking! Teaching and parenting: so much the same, but so very, very different.
